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Grey carded "mill waste" for Peg Loom Weaving, Felting or Spinning

£3.00 - £40.00 Coming soon

A waste by-product created when the woollen mill runs wool through the carders to clean the machinery between each batch. It is perfect for weaving on a peg loom, and some people have purchased it for spinning. The dark grey is great for needle felting. The light grey also felts but I would recommend for small detail only as it is much more silky so takes longer to felt.

I am committed to crafting in a sustainable way and this is a great way to utilise a waste by-product, and support our small-scale mills. The wool is 100% British, scoured and carded at Halifax Spinning Mill in East Yorkshire.

(Item posted 2nd class signed for with Royal Mail, in reused packaging. Estimated delivery time 3-5 days, signature required.)